Life Journal | 2018 Summary + December Roundup

Wednesday, January 02, 2019

I am not really sure if you noticed but Jason and I have this monthly dates that we do once a month. We visit restaurants and fast-food chains and indulge ourselves. That's what we saved for the entire year - fats. LOL! This is a summary of the major dates we had for the entire year.

He's left-handed so obviously, he always sit on the left side of the table and as evidence both of us really gained weight throughout the year. Especially me even though he eat more than I do. HUHU WHYYYY 😭

On the first month, we tried the very first Osaka Takoyaki branch in Cagayan de Oro located at SM CDO Downtown Premier.

For our Valentine's Day date, we had a hearty meal at Hogs & Cattle Steak House.

Truthfully, our March-date was very random and we just picked it out in a whim. I really wanted to eat shrimps that time but Jason can't eat those since he's allergic so we ended up picking the restaurant beside the place who serve lots of shrimps. We went to Kuya J Restaurant who have different kinds of Filipino dishes and even sea food as well so I'm not really a loser here. Lol!

April was such a happy one since we finally had the chance to try Zark's Burgers as we didn't get to try it out when we were in Cebu in 2017 with his family.

However, May was the opposite since it was a sad one for me and Jason dragged me to Missy Bonbon to cheer me up since I really didn't want to go out of our house at that time at all. I may be smiling but I've been crying all day at that time. 

Here's another loved and random date. We went to Bigby's Cafe and Restaurant for our June date. I've always loved their food! It's just a bit pricey though~

July is special since it's the month of our Anniversary and of course, we went to a special place. We went to Maison de Bonbon and all I can say about our meal was LUXURIOUS! I wonder if I could eat something like that again. LOL!

Our August date was quite a funny thing as two days before this photo was taken, we went there and had dinner with his aunt and cousin. Yep, Jason and I had pizza at Yellowcab twice that month since he missed eating the Manhattan Meatlovers right away.

September is my birth month! And on the day of my birthday, we went to another Japanese restaurant called Japanese Diner, The Taki, Like No Other~

On the other hand, Jason's birthday is in October however we haven't celebrated it together because of his work so we had it on a later date but still on the last day of the month. We went to SM Uptown that day for the BNHA: Two Heroes Block-screening and Uptown is the only place where we could find a Pizza Hut branch. It's rare for us to go there as it's too far from us so we took the opportunity and dined there.

I've always wanted to try the "Most Instagrammable Cafe" in Cagayan de Oro and we finally went there last November. It's called Espressini Cafe and Resto and I love their blueberry cheesecake so much! 😋

Last and definitely not the least is Jason and I's Christmas and Year-End date at TGI-Fridays and truth be told, we tried dining there when we both had our very first jobs but a meal there would empty our pockets right away so we left the place without a question but now, 5 years after that we finally came back and at least ordered something we could afford. LOL! Our kuripot hearts can't handle them 😂 But we still dared to go since it's a special day. I work online and of course, I can't join those fancy Christmas parties of other companies therefore Jason gave me one, with a tropical theme 🌺

That concludes our year! Jason still want to do this activity for 2019 but I say that it's a bit not fair since I'm the only one who obviously gain weight though I proposed to him that we'd go jogging at least once a month this time. Hopefully 🙏

In case you're wondering why I'm fusing my December Roundup here, it's because I have a very short month. Time went by so fast and I did absolutely nothing except went on birthdays, mostly.

First is my dad's aunt's birthday on the first day of December. She was like a mother to him and a grandmother to us.

On the 8th day of the month, we witnessed my cousin, Thea's first communion at Xavier University. 

December 13 was Jason's sister's birthday however I didn't brought my camera and I don't have a single photograph at that time but anyway, it was a fantastic night together with his family! 

The next day, we were supposed to go on a concert in Iligan however, he had a sudden work on the 15th so I just end up going on an art-fair together with Pearly and my sister at Chingkeetea and I bought new stickers for my laptop.

Next was Christmas Day, my family and I went to church on Christmas Eve and welcomed the day the Lord Jesus has come with a small feast for the five of us.

A day after Christmas is my sister and uncle's birthday and we celebrated it at my grandmother's place in Iponan.

Lastly, is our family's Year-End event for 10 years already, is my Mama Tata's death anniversary. She's my mother's sister. We had a mass officiated by my mother's brother, Father Bench, MSC.

That's how my year went guys! I've been contemplating whether I should continue this roundup thing for the new year. What can you suggest? Well, anyway, have a wonderful 2019 everyone! 

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