Life Journal | November Roundup

Monday, December 03, 2018

My November was relatively short but it was as colorful and vibrant as my cover. Really, nothing much happened but it was as radiant as any other months with joyous celebrations.

Firstly, it is already a custom that every first and second day of the month, my family and I gather for the All Saints Day and All Souls Day to visit our dear relatives on their graves.

My dad is a regular employee at a huge factory here in the city and he's working there for 26 years already! That's dedication! He became a regular when I was still two-months old and we celebrated his anniversary last November 3 at the Tent Avenue.

One of the highlights of my month was my friends, Razede and Alyssa's wedding. They're my friends from College and a part of Brucha.

I was dolled up by my sister.

The Groom

Our friend, Miming, is one of the Groom's Men

The pretty Bride together with her parents~

It was a wonderful event we're just not complete because Pearly got prior commitments. But anyway, congratulations Razede and Alyssa!

Remember my Daddy Bench? We went out on a date last October. He's actually just waiting for his Visa as he's going to the Netherlands. We had a little despidida party for him last November 16. I'm going to miss him so much!

One thing I love about Jason is how spontaneous he is. It compliments with how I plan everything. And this time, he invited me out on a date on a cafe I've been eyeing for a long time already, the Espressini Cafe.

Have you ever tried a dream cake? Truth be told, I tried one just recently and I am totally not disappointed! I ordered a chocolate cake-in-a-can and a small Durian cheesecake from the Messy Kitchen and I am so happy that my family loved them as well.

I've always invited Pearly to try out the barbecue place of one of our classmates in College called Vonchok Kabkaban and we finally matched our free time last November 23. It was actually Des' birthday but she got a camping activity at school so we just planned to meet up on the 25th.

I love their barbecue and I love their sauce! It has a very distinct taste and I really wish I could go back there anytime soon!

Here's the meet up with Des I mentioned above! We had dinner at The Hive Food Park together with Eli and Jason and we definitely ate a lot!

And that's it! Pretty short isn't it? But it was colorful, indeed. With lots of food trips, too! See you next month!

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