Photo Journal | A New Start

Monday, January 22, 2018

Everyone of us have something we yearn for even if it’s something we never have and whenever we already found ourselves to finally got a grasp on it, we can’t really determine what’s the reality and what stayed on our imagination. It’s like a dream come true.  It’s finally 2018, a new year, a new start. Nevertheless, I am pretty sure that I am still in my little holidaze~

I got the best Christmas gift so far, and it is something I never imagined to ever have.

Fujifilm X-A10 has been on sale since the last quarter of 2017 started. Of course, it is a wonderful opportunity to save up for it. However I got sick on the last month and used up everything I got but luckily, there are people who wholeheartedly helped me achieve my selfish dream and I am forever grateful to them.

I’ve been blogging random stuffs about myself and what I love to do ever since I graduated from college but this time, as I got a new partner (the camera) with me, I decided to create a new blog and I pray people would support me as much as I was supported from my Blissful life~
I don’t know much about photography but I am still exploring and still learning.

I haven’t edited these photos. I am not really confident if I should add some filter or not but I am thinking of having Adobe Lightroom later on. What else can you recommend?

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